The company MG Precast can, at any time, respond to even the most demanding project tasks, thanks to the large production capacities it owns.
In every stable company, such as MG Precast, stability is based exclusively on a human factor that is educated and experienced, and only as a coordinated team can give, and still give, this result.
Perhaps the most important factor for our customers is time. Therefore, MG Precast put great emphasis on logistics planning that precise time intervals of production and delivery, which enables to comply with the deadlines.
Prefabricated collars and footings that are made in place, together form footings for precast columns.
If used reloading place for trucks, MG Precast in its program has ramps that connect stockroom with cargo space vehicles.
Vertical structural elements, carry horizontal elements of the roof and plate floor. The cross-sections of the pillars are square or rectangular shape, which is sized according to structural analysis
Beams of constant cross-section L and T are made of prestressed concrete. They are used as supporting horizontal elements for plate floor and roof structures.
Montažne armirano betonske konstrukcije.
Beton je jedan od najrasprostranjenijih građevinskih materijala. Osim što ima veliku oblikovnu moć, veliku nosivost na pritisak i krutost, beton je takođe veoma isplativ materijal. Prefabrikovane armirano betonske konstrukcije imaju izrazito dobre protivpožarne osobine. Proizvode se u zatvorenom prostoru i nude čitav niz različitih tehničkih rešenja visokih estetskih i funkcionalnih vrednosti. detaljnije...